Little Kitten Saved from Drowning Thanks to a 4 Year Old!

A tiny orphan kitten was saved from drowning thanks to a 4 year old.

A 4 year old boy heard the faint cries of a kitten in the deep storm drain in front of Hocutt-Ellington Memorial Library while he was on his way to pre-school with his mother. As soon as they got to school, they asked their teacher to call the Clayton Police Department.

When the fire crew arrived, they jumped into action to rescue the crying kitten. Firefighter Daryle Harris went into one drain while Captain Mitch Boyette climbed down into the drain on the other side of the street.

They worked together to coax the kitten out to safety. “Despite the cold and damp – and front paws worn raw from trying to escape the pipe – the cat is in good condition,” according to animal control officer Angela Lee.

Watch the full rescue in this video:

The little fur buddy has been taken in by Alley Cats and Angels and will be put up for adoption soon. “She is currently at our vet (Dr. Teresa Danford, Raleigh Community Animal Hospital) right now getting checked out. It is a girl. We’ve named her Camden after the little boy that heard her crying,” Alley Cats and Angels told Love Meow.

Raleigh Community Animal Hospital

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