Feral Kitten Feels Loved for the First Time. It’s the Sweetest Thing

When this very frightened feral kitten experienced touch for the first time, you can see the dramatic change in her. She felt loved and she wanted more.

It was a rainy day at 2am in the morning in Japan. A man heard meowing coming from the parking garage on the lower level. He went down and traced the crying. When he saw a tiny calico kitten standing behind a motorcycle, he got down to her level and tried to soothe the very frightened little kitten.

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As soon as the kitten saw the man, she started hissing and spitting at him. She was very afraid and growling at him to back off.

In hopes to gain the little kitten’s trust, the man started meowing in a soft tone and even imitated pigeon sounds. Right away, the kitten seemed to calm down from all the hissing.

When the kitten stopped hissing, he offered his hand, hoping she would let him pet her. Then the most beautiful thing happened… The tiny calico turned to the side, signaling that she was ok to be touched.

Once the petting started, she simply couldn’t get enough of it and went in her rescuer’s arms for the biggest cuddle she had ever had.

Watch the full story in this video:

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