Pirate The Tripawd Miracle Kitty

Meet Pirate, a 3-legged miracle kitty who was left in a garden by his mother at just a few days old but the little brave kitty didn’t let anything stop him.

“Our little miracle boy was found along with his brother Peg in a garden when they were only a few days old,” said Yvette Madden, the foster mom. Pirate and Peg were the only kittens that survived out of the litter of six. “They both had a paw missing and we think that their poor feral mum accidentally bit it off when biting the umbilical cord, she must have been very scared and anxious and wasn’t seen again.”

Little Pirate was found along with his brother Peg in a garden.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

A nice lady discovered the kittens and contacted Goldie’s Cat Rescue who immediately took in Pirate and Peg. “Three volunteers started taking turns to bottle feed them every two hours during the day and night! Both kittens had badly infected legs and they had to be washed daily to help with that,” Madden said. Unfortunately Peg passed away two weeks later, leaving little Pirate on his own.

Pirate was missing a paw but it didn’t stop him.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

“Everyone was devastated, but every week little Pirate got stronger and his leg healed. At 6 weeks old we started fostering another kitten to try and teach him how to be a kitten. He learnt within a day to use the litter tray by himself and how to eat from a bowl. It took a few more weeks to teach him how to drink from the bowl…” All the hard work paid off when Pirate finally picked up all the skills he missed learning from his own mother.

“He didn’t understand how to play at first and would cry as soon as the kitten would pin him to the floor, but soon he was playing like a normal kitten.” Pirate has grown extremely close to his foster parents and loves to snuggle up in bed with them. “He definitely thinks he is human!”

“He is an amazing little kitten, full of attitude and we are sure he will bounce back from his operation,” Madden added.

Photos by Yvette Madden of Goldie’s Cat Rescue. Follow Pirate on Facebook.

Three volunteers from Goldie Cat Rescue took turns to care for him round the clock.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

He bounced back and became stronger and bigger.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

They taught him how to be a kitten and how to play.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

He grew extremely close to his foster family and would snuggle up with them for naps.

 Photos by Yvette Madden

6 weeks and 13 weeks!

 Photos by Yvette Madden

Pirate is one brave kitty!

 Photos by Yvette Madden

Update: All grown up now and adopted by his foster family!

 Photos by Yvette Madden

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